Our Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) framework is profoundly anchored on developing Technologians who are ingrained with values and competence with science and technology at its core in order to meaningfully respond to the needs of the community in both local and global contexts. Adhering to its education philosophy of ensuring student success, the outcomes at the institutional, program and course levels are pivoted on a learner-centered standpoint to support the CIT University Motto Virtus in Scientia et Tecnologia. Moreover, continuous quality improvement mechanisms are and shall persistently be devised and revised in its unrelenting quest to produce graduates in congruence with globally acceptable standards.

OBE is an educational process which is focused on attaining what the individual student can and must do with what he or she knows.  The outcome-based approach revolves around three components: (a) outcomes – the educational aims and values, (b) teaching, learning & assessment methods – the methodology to enable the intended learning, and (c) criteria – how learning is assessed in relation to the expected outcome.

The CIT University OBE framework adapts the PDCA cycle to discover relevant contemporary alternatives to incessantly develop the learners for their better advancement of graduate placement destinations.   The OBE learning process can be stated into four steps:

  1. Plan: Outcomes-Based Education Design – With the consideration of inputs from the internal constituencies (faculty, staff, & students) and external stakeholders (industry and the qualification, regulatory & professional bodies), the following are established: (a) institutional vision & mission statements, (b) institutional outcomes, (c) program educational objectives, (d) student outcomes, and (e) course learning outcomes. The feedback mechanisms are integrated in the review and revision of syllabi and delivery process.
  2. Do: OBTL Delivery Process – This necessitates appropriate learning environment and sufficient resources & support structures: (a) administration of human & material resources such as faculty & staff development, library & laboratory facilities, educational technology, and the like; (b) internal/external stakeholders’ support from alumni, parents, and students; and (c) the learning culture, philosophy and subsystems which include, but not limited to, wide-ranging policies and procedures, and level of sophistication to learn for life. The process then calls for the design of syllabi, teaching approaches, learning methods and, assessment schemes.
  3. Check: Assessment and Evaluation – Systems in teaching delivery and learning process and their evaluation thereof are regularly monitored vis-à-vis the predetermined key performance indicators in key result areas at various levels – institutional, program, and course. Focus group discussion with industry advisory panel, graduate tracer study and competency survey, and other direct and indirect assessments are conducted.
  4. Act: Enforcement of OBE Developments – Formulating and carrying out appropriate and timely actions to revise and realign syllabuses and curricula based on the formal results from the assessment and evaluation are expected to attain higher extent of student success.

The university OBE framework fundamentally includes the following components:

  1. CIT University’s Vision and Mission
  2. Institutional Outcomes
  3. Program Educational Outcomes (PEOs)
  4. Student or Program Outcomes (SOs or POs)
  5. Curriculum Map showing alignment of courses with SOs
  6. Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) Delivery Process
  7. Program Assessment and Evaluation Process
  8. Continuous Quality Improvement Process

Program Educational Outcomes (PEOs)

Program Educational Objectives are broad statements that describe the career and professional accomplishments that the program is preparing graduates to achieve within three to five years after graduation.

Student or Program Outcomes (SOs)

Student Outcomes are narrower statements that describe what the students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of graduation.  These relate to the knowledge (cognitive), skills (psychomotor), and behavior (affective) that the student acquires through the program.

Curriculum Map

The Curriculum Map summarizes the design of the curriculum in its contribution to CHED-set student outcomes.  These courses are identified as either introductory, enabling or demonstrating the specific intended outcomes.  Each course then establishes the course learning outcomes (CLOs) which are statements that describe the knowledge or skills the students should acquire by the end of a particular academic requirement to help them understand why that knowledge and those skills will be useful to them.  These CLOs are very specific to each individual course and are designed to support and be measurable against the student outcomes.

Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) Delivery Process

Teaching methodologies and learning activities are devised to effectively and efficiently equip students with the competencies associated with each course synchronizing with the student outcomes.

Program Assessment and Evaluation Process

The teaching and learning delivery process is evaluated in consonance with the SOs and PEOs at different levels – course, program and institutional.  The extent of how the expected outcomes are attained reflects the quality of the university in transforming its students to become productive graduates.

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Process

The review of the process enables the university to uncover opportunities for improvement and sanction means to continually evolve learning structure and systems.  CQI process captures and analyzes loopholes then formulate approaches in raising the bar to ensure increased likelihood of student success.