"We make stronger hands that turn the wheel!"

In the process of purveying management, business & accountancy education, the college intends to see as outcome of all academic efforts men and women who are self-learning, highly functional and technology oriented. Fields of professional studies include accounting, business administration, office administration, public administration, and hospitality management.


Our primary responsibility is the relevance, usefulness and quality of our students’ education.

The solitary market of our product is the global market that requires the services of our graduates.

We believe that the essence of Total Quality Education is Passionate Teaching and that the global market deserves no less than quality graduates.

We are a formation school for business and community leaders.

The CIT College of Management, Business & Accountancy exists for the business community. It is a management, business and accountancy school professing to be the ultimate hub of education in the mercantile and allied sciences, in particular, and the total human development of business students, in general.


A top management, business and accountancy school proactively anticipating and responding to the needs of local and global business communities, actively ensuring the transformation of students into business and management professionals who are highly functional, unceasingly developing, and quality-impassioned


To develop management, business and accountancy professionals with international and local business and community readiness by integrating current technology with total quality business and management values, within the context of total human development.


Over the next decade, 2013-2023, the CIT College of Management, Business & Accountancy shall assume a definite posture as a strong player in management, business and accountancy education arena.

Specifically, it shall:

  1. Offer baccalaureate and graduate computing degree programs which are CHED-compliant and industry-benchmarked;
  2. Maintain a viable and optimal student population 2,500 students (+or -)200;
  3. Operationalize OBE for ALL programs from the Intended Learning Outcomes, to the Teaching-Learning Activities and Outcomes-Based Assessment;
  4. Review curricular programs every 5 years and revise accordingly, if necessary;
  5. Ensure that 30% of the faculty members possess in-line or allied doctor’s degree while those with master’s degree are actively pursuing doctor’s degree.
  6. Ensure that all faculty members are update with new developments in their respective specializations and have been involved in trainings and seminars within the last 2 years
  7. Maintain a base network of over 200 industrial and commercial establishments, placement, and academic partners;
  8. Vigorously pursue its research agenda in conformity with the institutional research agenda and ensure that 20% of the faculty have presented/published papers in national/international conferences/journals within the last 3 years;
  9. Achieve a 60% graduate placement rate within the first year after graduation;
  10. Achieve a CPA licensure passing rate identical to the national passing percentage + 0r -2 %;
  11. Conduct curricular review at least once every four years;
  12. Have widened the community outreach base from sitio level to barangay level, and increase both the amount of its financial commitment and amount of human effort involved by double its present rate.

Graduate Attributes

Institutional Attributes

  • Life-long Learners
  • Competent
  • Communicators
  • Problem-solvers
  • Values Driven

College Specific Attributes

  • Competent in Management & IT Skills
  • Personable
  • Strategically Networked
  • Leader
  • Organization-Environment Updated
  • Ecology Conscientious


In the process of purveying management, business & accountancy education, the college intends to see as outcome of all academic efforts men and women who are self-learning, highly functional and technology oriented. Fields of professional studies include accounting, business administration, office administration, public administration, and hospitality management.


Among the attributes of the College of Management, Business & Accountancy graduate are:

  • Leadership Values- the graduate must hold dear the values of leadership, passion for total quality, customer-orientation, teamwork, honesty, initiative, sense of urgency, diligence, among others.
  • Information and Communication Skills- the CIT CMBA graduate shall be IT empowered and be proficient in both oral and written communication in English and in, at least one other internationalized foreign language.
  • Management Skills- the graduate is a human package of competencies needed in organizational environments.